people in paintings
The human activities I paint are simple ones, often
taking place at the edge of land and water. Sunlight
illuminates the landscape or Coleman lanterns and
carnival lights create chiaroscuro compositions at
campgrounds and game booths.
Mountain Lake II 16"x20"
December 7th in Masaya
18"x24" oil SOLD
Visiting Memories
16"x20" $500.
Talking in the Night
31"x22" $650.
Every Bowl a Winner
16"x20" oil
Nightgame 36"x20" oil
Prize Every Time 18"x24"
oil $550.
Knife Booth II 17"x25"
oil $600.
Girl at Carnival Booth
16"x18" oil $450.
Ferris Wheel 24"x18" oil
September 2001 14"x18"
oil $625. (in Art of the State)
Family on the Rocks 24"x
18" oil $500.
Mountain Lake 16"x20"